Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2: Psalm 1

Psalm 1 is the first psalm on purpose. It is a sort of introduction to all that will be said in the psalms from here on out. A person is blessed when they meditate day and night upon God's law, cursed if they flaunt it. Yet, if all of us are honest with ourselves, we all flaunt God's law (at least some of the time) and few of us delight in it. What do we do with this sort of discussion in the Psalms, then? Is he saying we earn salvation? Do we just brush over the law parts as Christians?

No. When we see "law" in the Psalms, and in the OT, we remember 2 things. First, God's law was given to those whom he had graciously called to be a "a holy nation." So, to those who called upon the Lord in OT Israel, the law revealed the will of the gracious One who miraculously delivered them from Egypt. God's covenant with Israel was founded upon grace. Those who love the Lord desire to walk in his ways in worship—these are the ones who delight in God's law.

Second, as Christians, we remember the glorious truth of the gospel, that Christ—and Christ alone—obeyed every last stipulation of the law FOR US! The law convicts us of sin, but in Christ it cannot condemn us. Through faith, Christ's perfect fulfillment of the law has been freely given to us. We delight in the law because it's been totally fulfilled in our Lord Jesus. Jesus is like a tree planted by streams that yields abundant fruit for everyone who puts their trust in him. In the gospel, we enjoy the harvest of Christ's righteousness!

I read this and see all the ways I fail to meditate day and night. Thinking on the things of God is hard work, and I am a lazy bum. But rather than be discouraged at my failures, I remember again Christ's perfect, saving obedience for me. I remember that in him, I am a child of the God of the universe. And I remember that, in order to behave like a son of my Father, I need to meditate on his law, day and night. If I really want to act like his child, I need to remember his commands to me; but I never remember them without first remembering the glorious grace of the gospel of Christ.

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