Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3: Psalm 15

Today's Reading.

"O LORD, who shall sojourn in your tent?" It's a good question. People throughout the world and across the ages have asked it. Who can draw near to God? Who can approach his majesty?

But the psalmist isn't simply asking who can come near to God. Everyone thinks there is a series of works one can do to deserve access to God. That's not what he asks. He wants to know "who shall sojourn in your tent?" What he's really asking is "who can stay the night at your house? Lord, who gets to have a slumber party at your place?" The author isn't simply asking who is able to worship the Lord; he's asking who is counted worthy of sleeping under God's roof.

Who is it? Who has the right to camp out with the Almighty?

Only one Man has ever earned that right. And he is the One who "became flesh and dwelt [literally, pitched his tent!] among us!" (John 1:14).

Read all the stipulations in Psalm 15:2-5 again. Walk blamelessly. Speak truth. No slander. No evil toward neighbor. Despised by vile people. Honors those who fear the Lord. Who is generous toward the brothers and sisters. Who does not take bribes. Think of all the ways this Psalm points to Christ!

Jesus walked blamelessly, from the day he said he would fulfill all righteousness (Matt. 3:15), to the day he said "it was finished" (John 19:30). He spoke the truth, even though it cost him his life (John 5:17-18). He did no evil toward others, but healed the blind and the sick and the outcast and the sinner. He was despised by the Pharisees, but he was more generous than any of us could ever be. He took no bribes—not even from Satan (Matt. 4:9-10)—but gave up his place in the Father's house to live among us homeless humans who had no hope of regaining Eden without him.

It's because of all that Christ has done for us that we can have faith that one day we will hear God say, "the dwelling place [tent!] of God is with man. He will dwell [camp out!] with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God" (Rev. 21:3).

Jesus has won God's approval for you. Your future is secure. In Christ, you "will never be moved" (15:5). Knowing that this psalm is about Jesus is not just an exercise in theology, but a real practical help and assurance to us every day. You won't ever be moved! So, walk blamelessly. Christ has secured your spot in God's tent! So, speak the truth, don't slander others, do good—not evil—toward your neighbor. You may be despised by vile people; Jesus was. But Christ will honor you and your fear of the Lord if you find comfort and rest in his gospel work for you.

You can't earn a spot in God's camp on your own, but you already have one. So, today and every day, act like it.

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