Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4: Psalm 2

Psalm 2 is about Jesus. The Lord and his Anointed (2:2) are pictured on equal footing, both having authority to rule the nations. Humanity wants to cast off the authority of God and rule the earth ourselves. God laughs (2:4) at our foolish plans (like I would when I was younger and my little brother used to try to wrestle me to the ground despite the 6 years and many pounds I had on him), not because he's cruel (like I was to my brother), but because his plans trump any and all manmade ones.

His plan is to set his King in Zion (2:6), the city of God, the place of salvation for his people. And to that Anointed King, God says, "You are my son" (2:7). God gives all authority to this Anointed-Son-King (cf. Col. 1:16; 2:10, 15) to judge those who would rise against God. And in a cosmic game of rock-paper-scissors, iron rod (Jesus) beats clay pot (us) every time.

This Psalm makes things very clear for me: will I follow Christ (the Greek word for "anointed one") or will I make myself his enemy? As a Christian, I have already declared that I belong to Christ. Will I act like it? Will I walk after him today, or will I put my clay pot up against his crowbar? He can dash me to pieces in an instant; he will humble me and remind me of my creatureliness if I make him. Will I humble myself or be humbled? I can stand against Christ or I can rest in him. Will I lose myself and gain Christ?

That is the promise. Blessing awaits when we cling only to Christ: "Blessed are all who take refuge in him" (2:12).

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